Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Food for thought

“Children learn through collaboration with adults and peers, through guided participation and observation of others, as well as through individual exploration and reflection” (Te Whariki)
Ministry of Education (1996). Te Whariki: He Whariki Matauranga mo nga Mokopuna o Aotearoa (Early Childhood Curriculum). Wellington: Learning Media.

“In New Zealand, early childhood is defined as the period of education from birth to approximately 5-6 years of age – there are good arguments, based on research, to extend this to 8 years.” (Farquar 2003, p1).
Farquhar, S. (2003). Quality Teaching Early Foundations: Best Evidence Synthesis. Wellington: Ministry of Education.

“By year one, there was very little time for play as teachers struggled with content overload from the policy requirements. Just as children become more skilled in their play, opportunities for play are restricted. Policy-makers assume that young children need more challenging work, whereas research shows that they also need more challenging play” (Wood & Attfield, 2005, p153).
Wood, J. & Attfield, J. (2005) Play, Learning and the Early Childhood Curriculum. (2nd. Ed.). London: Paul Chapman Publishing

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

From Gay:
Have you spotted on The UK Guardian Education page research from Michael Sayer claiming that children are not making the predicted gains from all the input of literacy and numeracy funded programmes.
He quotes "........I would suggest that the most likely reasons are the lack of experiental play in primary schools, and the growth of a video-game, TV culture. Both take away the kind of hands - on play that allows kids to experience how the world works in practice and to make informed judgements about abstract concepts."
Check out article January 24 The Guardian.