Ulearn06 conference starts next week in Christchurch
For those of you attending our workshop here are some useful references.
Are We Fixing the Wrong Things?
Yong Zhao, (2006). Educational Leadership. vol 63. no 8. p28-31.
Children are less able than they used to be.
The Guardian Jan 24, 2006
Moving up the Grades: Relationship between Preschool Model and Later School Success
Marcon, R.A. (2002) Early Childhood Research & Practice. spring 2002. vol 4, no.1
Three Rs to make room for life skills
The Age. March 30, 2004
Hurry! Hurried! Hurrumph!
NSW Dept. of Education
Education Horizons Vol 8. no 5, 2005.
If you have trouble locating any of these, contact me and I'll be happy to send them.
Taking the PISA bait
5 years ago