Monday, July 20, 2009

Imaginative play with Groovy Girls... & Boys

If you've been to our workshops you'll have met our Groovy Girl Dolls.

The kids just love them and have a wonderful time making clothes, building houses, cars, beds etc and then using them in all sorts of imaginary games.

They are available in lots of places but we get ours from a shop in Petone ($25-$30)

Playdays Toyshop
238 Jackson St
Lower Hutt
New Zealand

tel 04 586 8056

The dolls don't show on the website but phone or send an email and Trish and Debbie will let you know what is in stock.

Friday, July 17, 2009


"Ship ahoy!"

A few sheets and a climbing frame, with some pegs and tape to hold it all together and they're off. Sailing the shark infested waters in their pirate ship!
The kids imagination runs wild and pirate hats, flags, eyepatches and telescopes materialised from the construction table.

"But how do we get to shore when there are sharks in the water?"
Great problem solving opportunities!

A fantastic Discovery Time at Randwick School.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

TED Talks - Tinkering School

Check out this video about a 'hands-on' school for kids in the States. Students are only there for a week but look at what they achieve in that time. Gever Tulley teaches life lessons through tinkering

Thursday, July 09, 2009

'Hands-on' learning
Discovery Time is alive and well in Dunedin!

We were hosted by the RTLB team at Wakari School and visited six of their schools. What a wonderful range of exciting 'hands-on' learning opportunities we were treated to.

Here are just a few that might provide some inspiration...

Disecting sheeps hearts!

The week before it was sheeps eyes!
The kids loved it.

Then there was decontruction!
"How does this printer work?"
"Which screwdriver do I need to get this bit off?"

"So that's where the ink comes from!"

Then we went down town and found this fabulous reconstruction at the Gallery De Novo.
Made us wonder about all those bits from the printer could be turned into...

Recycled metal spider
Artist: Chris Meder